Tuesday 28 October 2014

Week 4: Visual design

This week in visual design we had quite a sparse day in terms of workload- the majority of digital art was a really interesting talk about idea generation and the use of silhouettes which will be really useful when we begin to generate our own ideas.

Life drawing was actually a struggle simply because we didn't have a teacher or any proper models- we simply had to draw each other which sounds easy enough but I think I actually struggled more.

I think because we all had to draw each other (I at least) found it hard to keep focused with the poses getting more comical as we went on. I think I will probably benefit drawing clothed people in a more public environment where I can focus better on my drawings rather than giggling at my peers struggling to hold their pose! One benefit we found as a group though is that we got a lot more drawings done; we did five minute poses and switched straight after rather than being taught inbetween.

Value studies using different pencils
Lastly we had a short seminar on value range and using your pencils effectively to get the correct range of values.

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