Monday 23 February 2015

Week 21: Texturing

This week was pretty straightforward as it consisted of getting my head down and texturing my model.

We learned the basics of rigging but I decided I'd leave that till after I'd got my texture done as I knew that was going to be the most time consuming and important part.

I'm very nearly finished my texturing and I'm pleased with how its turned out so far although I have bumped into some issues which I think could have been down to my thinking of 'a good texture will cover up bad modelling'.. which is wrong is seems. I wasted a lot of my time because I had to go back and change my model and then re-unwrap to make it easier for myself (which I ended up scrapping because I'd got so far in my texturing it would actually hinder me more to start again for little gain).

I've learned a lot so far and have in fact learned a lot from this, I like to think I'll give modelling my own personal characters a go in my free time.

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