Friday 9 January 2015

Week 15: New year new term

So it's the first week back and I feel ready to knuckle down and do a lot of work, despite the first week actually being rather slow with a lack of work to do!

I didn't do an awful lot over christmas- when I wasn't reading books I was working my butt off earning some money and I think I needed the break from art to be honest!

I find it a lot easier doing work at my uni home because this environment was made for work- the only life I've known while I'm here is uni life and working life so its easy to slip back into it. So, that being said I've already achieved quite a few things since I've been back;

Sansa Stark- first painting of 2015.
I decided I needed to get straight back into painting, so I started with something quick and easy and inside of my comfort zone. This one took me just over an hour and I really wanted to focus on getting the likeness right as well as accurate colours. I'm really pleased with both, although I think the lack of time spent on it definitely shows when it comes to colour blending. I used measuring lines on my reference and then copied them over to my own painting for guidance; I felt a little guilty but I was able to see my tendencies to exaggerate certain proportions without guidance lines so it was beneficial!

Khal Drogo- WIP

Keeping up with the Game of Thrones trend I decided to start painting Khal Drogo because honestly, he's just so dreamy...

 Alongside this I started what was originally meant to be a Mucha study but began to turn out as more of a copy, but all things considered I figured I could treat myself!

Having more than one painting running side by side gives me the chance to spend much more time on each because I can chop and change to different paintings when I get bored rather than calling a mediocre version finished.

This week's game production involved making a practice female character model which I completed on the day so had nothing left to do for the rest of the week!

Critical Studies focused on creating goals and focusing on what to improve across all three sections of the course, using a table for strengths, areas for improvement, cause for concern, actions and barriers. One of the common areas for improvement for me was simply laziness/lack of motivation. I found if I just practice/work every day I should be able to improve as I've managed to stay on top of my work load pretty well it's just improving I want to focus on now!

Overall though the first week has been pretty productive, but is it strange I'm looking forward to doing projects again and kinda feeling the pressure? I'll probably be eating my words soon but oh well, happy to still be enjoying it!

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