Wednesday 10 December 2014

Week 10: Stylised tree

This week we were set the next part of our village project, the stylised tree. Because it was such an easy project it was recommended that we didn't spend long on concepting and instead modelled an already existing tree/based our model off one at least. As well as this we had to create two trees.

To begin with I opened up some of the photos I took of Bradgate and did a few simplified silhouettes of the shapes I liked.

This helped me to establish what trees would work better in a more simplified form without getting caught up on any fancy little details. I then attempted to do more silhouettes from these to push the styling further but I quickly realised that it wasn't really helping as there wasn't much else I could do to the original ones I had taken.

I instead did a few drawings and quite liked the turnout of all of them even with the basic shapes. The middle one on the top row I had considered making more of a 'fantasy' tree but thought that it might be taking it too far, especially as the tree isn't going to be a center piece or anything like that.

Since I liked all of the designs I decided to do tonal paintings of each and test various tree colours on them all because like the design, I didn't feel like they really called for anything particularly fancy.

Part of me feels like I haven't really done enough concepting in comparison to others, but then when I consider what we were actually told I'm quite content that I didn't use any more time than I needed on this stage.

I was able to complete my first tree in under a day and I'm relatively happy with the outcome. Although considering the amount of time I still have left I think I will probably re-visit and polish it to a better standard after I've modelled the second tree!

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