Friday 6 March 2015

Week 23: Toyota pickup

This week we were set our final(?) project of the year; a Toyota pickup truck which we will then be zombie-fying. Being an avid fan of the Walking dead I was pretty excited to get started on this project.

Our first task was to model and texture the pickup in its standard form. We have been given 3 weeks to do this as well as doing our zombie concepts alongside. I wasn't overly concerned about planning my time very well; my initial plan was to spend a day modelling and see where I was at so I could test the waters so to speak and then work out my workplan from there. After two days I had almost finished my model with just a few details left to add in.

Considering we have so long for this project I decided that I was allowed to work on a whim for now; when I woke up in a painting mood I decided to give myself the day at home concepting my zombie version and painting things- convenient!

First few concepts
Concepting was actually quite different to what I expected it to be. It was suggested that we work over the example model and start with some rough sketches before moving onto photobashing. I originally had a lot of ideas floating round in my head, going through all the zombie films and shows I'd seen and working out what you would need in your truck. Although when I started with my sketches a lot of the little bits and pieces weren't really relevant since I was working with bigger shapes and structures, not all the food and weapons and blankets and bags you'd need to survive the apocalypse!

I decided to break my concepts down into sections; survival, defensive and attack. Survival was going to be a truck that would last a long time, so it had to have a mix of defensive and attack but also needed to be full of supplies-something that isn't easy to show off in this early stage. Defensive was more about making the truck more fortified so no zombies could get in. Attack was obviously going in guns blazing and ramming down the zombies. Looking at my ideas so far I think they're all pretty bland and I could have thought about the practicalities a little TOO much too early on, rather than reeling in a cool design later.

I want to set my Toyota in 'The Walking Dead' world which gives me a pretty good style guide in itself. I want to avoid anything too extreme or unbelievable as well as stay away from the comedic and overly violent.

So far judging by these designs my choice of style guide could effect how 'cool' my pickup might look so I think I might try some wilder designs and worry about the realism later on down the line.

But so far I think I've got a comfortable amount of time to work with! I'll be finishing off my model on Monday and hopefully start unwrapping/texturing it while I work on my concepting in my own time.

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